The Oregon FBLA eXpo
The eXpo is a college and career fair that takes place during our State Business Leadership Conference. First held in April 2022, this event served as an opportunity for members to develop a better understanding of their college and career future. However, following the inaugural event, it is now clear that the eXpo has a much more meaningful impact. While the event provides attendees with specific information about different life paths, it is the opportunity to connect with exhibitors that is most significant. While a student may not remember every piece of information they receive, they will undoubtedly remember the people they talk to and connections they make. Any institution that attends the eXpo will be able to connect with over one thousand high school and a few hundred middle school students, as well as hundreds of parents and advisers. These connections will impact these leaders long after they leave the eXpo, reminding them of the extraordinary exhibitors they interacted with and options they have.
Have any questions? Email us at expo@oregonfbla.org